Monday, March 17, 2008

Challenge of Mars.

Gotta start with an apology for the late post. I have had a hell lotta' schoolwork lately. Well. The challenge of this month is to draw a closeup of a bodypart. Any would be of interest, but it will get as advanced as you make it. If you want to be boring and draw a completely normal shoulder from behind, so fine. You can also draw a belly in the middle of a backflip in an extreme angle, or what about a hand playing the violin?

The deadline for this should probably be about April the first.

Over and Out.


Nefandus said...

Ohohoho. I have ideas about certain body parts I can draw... >}

Yeonni said...

haha, is that the first thing that pops up in everyone's mind?

Interesting challenge, you're excused of all, Eva. ^^

Yeonni said...

Thank you, Nef, for clearing that up for us =P