Sunday, February 10, 2008


Nefandus said...

Haha, very nice!

It is very similar to mine in several ways, actually.

I especially like the boldness of having such a closeup in the foreground - makes it very dramatic.

Rik said...

I'll throw out a batch of criticism and praise here, then, since constructive criticism is always a good idea.

The foreground thing - very good, very bold as Björn said, and I like the appearance of the guy. The only thing you might want to think about here is the trigger-finger, it looks a little funky. Just draw the fingertip next time, I think that'll look better.

As for the BBEG himself - awesome job on the arms and hands, they look really proportional. Only four fingers are visible on the snapping hhannd, but that's fine - I doubt the index finger would be possible to see anyway.

The only problem I have with the BBEG is one of his legs - it looks like it's a third pillar, since it's almost perfectly straight. You might want to add some leg musculature, or just try to angle the leg very very slightly, just to give us a sense that it's part of the guy and not part of the chair.

All in all though, great picture, good job with the dramatics, and great slouchy position for the BBEG - it looks very natural.

Nefandus said...

I concur with Rik. Always try to think of how the limbs would naturally be positioned - if you do it right, it looks much less artificial.

Nightflyer said...

I don't like the position on that leg either, but I can't see why it's not right. To make it less weird i guess I can angle the leg differently. Adding more 'leg'... no, you aren't supposed to see more of it.

Yeonni said...

I don't think there's anything wrong with the position, actually, though I agree with that it could be more "modeled"... and is it just me or is it a bit short?

Nightflyer said...

Hmm, då borde båda benen vara för korta. Jag har mätt och hatt mig så de är i stort sett lika långa.

Men markera muskler och ben på smal benet. Got it. ^^ Oh, and the finger thing. Yes, I think the problem really is that the finger is too long. or that part ion the gun to short. Whatever. You don't use only the tip on the finger.

Nefandus said...

Yes you do, actually. It'd be kinda awkward to pull the trigger with the middle-section of your finger - find something gunny and try it for yourself.

I hereby proclaim myself AUTHORITY on all subjects gunny, for I have been shooting with gunny things since my fifth birthyear.

Nightflyer said...

Meh, I have since my 10:th! :)

Yeonni said...

Well, I still don't think you bend the entire finger around the trigger; with a sensitive trigger that would be way too unsecure. (Listen to me talking, I've barely held a real gun ^^) So the tip would point more towards the "camera" no?