Thursday, February 21, 2008

First Header

Awright, I spent over 9000 hours in paint doing this. Praise me!

Feel free to edit it if you want - it became kinda big.


Rik said...

I love how obviously visible everyones' difference in style became. That's an awesome header - though why didn't you use Photoshop?

Sorry, I'm in love with that program I think.

Nefandus said...

I did at first, but then i was like "meh" and did a quick one in paint instead.

That's why I said "shoop away" to everyone, because I'm sure it can be done better.

Yeonni said...

Hm, yeah, they got a bit unsharp. I guess they're different sizes -_-

This will get really interesting after one or two more, when we can se more examples of the styles lined up like this.

Maybe we should have a challenge sometime to draw as someone else? =P I wonder if that's possible!

Rik said...

I don't think anyone else will have the patience to draw like Björn. Otherwise, it's an interesting challenge - it would certianly force us to adapt new styles.

Nefandus said...

I've actually been thinking about that idea. But as Da-Ryun says, it might be pretty impossible to do.

Yeonni said...

Okay, since you said so, I meddled a little with the header. It's not a big difference, so now in retrospect I don't really know why I did it.

Nightflyer said...

We could at least try to go against our own stile. Not sure how exactly, just as long as we can't tell if you really made it.

I like the header, much nicer now when thats there. ^^

Nefandus said...

The new header is much better. Thank you Da-Ryun. Your mad shooping skillz are superior ^_^

Yeonni said...

=P thanks